Electronic Signature

How-to guides for using the Electronic Signature function

01. Sending a RAMs Document For Review And Approval
RAMs documents can be sent for review and approval. The review can be done by another company user or by someone who does not have a RAMs App account. This ...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:46 AM
02. Editing a rejected RAMs document
If a document is rejected by a reviewer, the user who sent the document for review and approval will receive an email notification. There will also be a not...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:46 AM
03. How to review a document as a RAMs App User
When a company user sends a document for review and approval to another Company User, the system will send out an email invitation. The Company User will al...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:46 AM
Edit a member of a current review and approval process (User)
Once a document is sent for review and approval, the details of the reviewers who are not RAMs App users can be modified. Their name, job role and email add...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:46 AM
How to cancel a digital review and approval process
Company users can cancel the review and approval process for a RAMs document. This can be done from the signatures and history page for a document.  NOT...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:46 AM
Add/Remove a member of a current review team
Once a document has been sent for review and approval there may be a need to amend who is part of the review team. This could be adding an additional member...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:46 AM
Send a document for signature via Quick Sign
Once a document has been created, you may need to get certain persons to sign the document. Rather than sending this through a formal review and approval pr...
Tue, 5 Sep, 2023 at 8:47 AM
Sign a document in person via Quick Sign
When gathering signatures for a document, there won't always be time to wait for emails and SMS to arrive. It can be simpler and easier to have multiple...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:46 AM
Cancel Quick Sign for a document
If digital signatures are no longer required for a document, the feature can be cancelled. Any invitation links accessed after the feature has been cancelle...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:46 AM
Historic Quick Signers
Documents which are live can be sent for Quick Sign. The signatures gathered this way will remain valid for the current version of the document. If the docu...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 7:47 AM