Documents which are live can be sent for Quick Sign. The signatures gathered this way will remain valid for the current version of the document. If the document is amended, the signatures will no longer be valid. 

Once changes have been made to the document and it is once again made live, the document can again be sent for Quick Sign. To save some time, there is an option for "Historic quick signers", which will allow you to invite persons who had signed the previous version of the document. 

To access this tab, go to the Quick Sign overview page for the document which has been modified since it was originally sent out for Quick Sign. 

As this is a new version of the document, there will be nobody invited to sign the document. 

To reinvite the historic signers, go to the "Options" button at the top right and then select "Send for Quick Sign". This loads the invite window. Make sure to select the "historic quick signers" tab. 

To add the person(s) to the Quick Sign for this version of the document, select the "+" symbol. The symbol will then change to "Invited".