Once a document has been created, you may need to get certain persons to sign the document. Rather than sending this through a formal review and approval process, the signatures can be gathered electronically using the new Quick Sign feature.
Quick sign allows you to send the document to as many persons as needed, via email or SMS.
NOTE: If you cannot see the option for Quick Sign, contact your company administrator and request permission to use the Quick Sign feature.
To use this feature, quick sign can be accessed in two different ways. Once a document is made live, a new option will appear within the review page options button for "Quick Sign".
This option will also be available from the actions menu for any "Live" RAMs documents.
After selecting Quick Sign, the quick sign page will show any persons already invited to sign the document. In this example, we are using a fresh document and therefore nobody has been invited, yet.
To invite someone to sign the document, select the "Send for Quick Sign" option within the "Options" button at the top right.
A pop-up window will then appear, asking for the persons details. If they are a RAMs App user, they can be selected from the drop down menu. The system will then pull through most of their details. If the person signing is not a RAMs App user, the slider for "Does the person signing have a RAMs App account" can be set to "no".
NOTE: The contacts tab can be used to save the details of a person which will allow the user to invite them to sign other documents without having to fill in the details manually each time.
Once the persons details have been entered, the final option is to "Send invitation by" either email or SMS. If selecting "Send by email", the system will then ask for the persons email address. If selecting "Send by SMS", the system will ask for the persons mobile phone number.
NOTE: Invitations can be sent via SMS for GB (+44) numbers only.
After completing all of the fields, the invitation can then be sent by selecting the "Send" button at the top right of the pop-up window. The system will confirm the invitation has been sent and clears the form, allowing for another person to be invited. If no more invites need to be sent at this point, select the cross at the top right to close the popup window.
The Quick Sign page can be revisited to see the status for each invited person.
Email notifications will be sent to the RAMs App user when individuals sign the document.