If a document is rejected by a reviewer, the user who sent the document for review and approval will receive an email notification. There will also be a notification in the system. 

The documents review status will also show as "Rejected". 

The reviewer must leave a comment to reject the document. There are two areas within the system which will show the reasons why the document was rejected. For a quick look, this can be found in the "Signatures & History" for the RAMs document. 

To access this, select the actions button at the top right of the document card, then select "Signatures & History". 

This list will contain a line entry, showing the document was rejected. To view the reason why, select the action button on the right and then select "More information". 

A small pop window will appear which contains a lot of information. Scroll to the bottom of this window to view the reason why the document was rejected. As this just shows the comment(s), it may be more helpful to see where the comment(s) was left on the document. 

To see where the comments were left on the document, select the action button at the top right of the document card. Then select the "Review" action. 

From the review page, select the "Options" button at the top right. Then select "Review rejected document" option. 

NOTE: This option is only available to rejected documents. If the option is not there, the document has not been rejected.

A preview of the document will then load. Any section which has had a comment left will also have a small blue speech bubble. 

Select the speech bubble to view the comment for the section. 

Another way of seeing the comments is to use the small widget on the right-hand side of the screen. This widget will display how many comments were left on the document. 

Select the widget to expand it. This will then display a "checklist" which lists all of the comments. To view each comment on the document, select the "Show Comment" action. This will move the document to the section which contains the comment. There is a "Completed?" column on the right, which can be used to track which comments have been noted and which have not. 

Once all of the comments have been taken in, to makes changes to the document, select the "Back" button at the top right. This will load the review page, where the different steps of the document can be edited. Alternatively, if the comments do not require any changes to be made to the document itself, it can be resent for review and approval using the "Resend RAMs for review" option.