The contacts who are assigned to a Recurring Quick Sign can be managed. This is done by reviewing the recurring Quick Sign which has been created. 

To access the Recurring Quick Sign settings, first find the Toolbox Talk. Once located, select the action button at the top right of the card. This will load a Menu. To review the Quick Sign settings, select the "Quick Sign" option. 

As a Quick Sign has previously been sent or created for this Toolbox Talk, a pop-up notice should appear asking the user how they would like to proceed. To update the recurring Quick Sign, select the "Review" option.

By default, the page which loads will show all the previously sent Quick Signs for the selected Toolbox Talk. To view the recurring Toolbox Talk settings, select the "Recurring" tab above the Quick Sign list. 

The list will now display all recurring quick sign settings which are in place for this toolbox talk. Locate the one which needs updating. Select the action button on the right of this Recurring Quick Sign. A menu will load. To update which contacts are assigned to the Quick Sign, select the "Assign" action. 

The system will continue to a new page showing all contacts currently assigned to the Quick Sign. New contacts can be assigned using the "Assign" option at the top right. 

To Remove a Contact from the Recurring Quick Sign, locate the contact. Then select the action button for the contact on the right. A menu will appear. To remove the Contact and prevent future Quick Signs being sent for this toolbox talk, select the "delete" action. 

A confirmation pop-up will then appear to confirm the contact should be removed. To unassign the contact, select the "Delete" button on the pop-up.