The Training Matrix can be exported in three ways: 

  • PDF
  • Excel 
  • URL

Before the training matrix is exported, it is important to note that all contacts on the matrix will be shared. Therefore, it is also important you have filtered the training matrix to the correct "group" and made sure all contacts are showing on the matrix. 

Filtering the Training Matrix

To access the training matrix, go to Training Manager > Training Matrix. This will display in a large pop-up window. 

At the top left of the matrix, there is a filter option. This will allow you to filter the training matrix to only show certain groups, if you do not wish it to show everyone. 

NOTE: Multiple groups can be selected here

After filtering the matrix, it will only show 8 of the contacts by default. You can see more of the contacts by selecting the "Show more contacts" button at the bottom. This will give you the chance to ensure that only the contacts you need are on this matrix. 

NOTE: Another way to check would be to export to excel, as you will see all contacts within a table without the need to expand the view.

Once you are happy with which contacts are showing in the current matrix view, you can begin exporting with the purpose of sharing this to anyone who does not have a RAMs App account. 

Export to PDF 

At the top right of the Training Matrix is an option to export. To export in any format, you will first need to select this button. 

Selecting the button will load a pop-up window displaying three options. To export to PDF, please select the PDF icon.

NOTE: You can only have up to 16 contacts showing on the PDF. If you have more than 16 contacts on your current training matrix, this option will be disabled.

The PDF will now be downloaded to your set download folder. You can then open the matrix in your preferred PDF viewer. The document will show the company name and date the document was exported at the top left. The company logo will appear at the top right. 

Each contacts name will be a hyperlink. This can be selected to load a browser view of that one contacts training matrix, listing all training linked to them. 

If a certificate or evidence was uploaded when adding the certification to the contact, their cell for the certification will also have a hyperlink. This will load a browser view of the certificate or evidence which was uploaded.

Export to Excel 

At the top right of the Training Matrix is an option to export. To export in any format, you will first need to select this button.

Selecting the button will load a pop-up window displaying three options. To export as an Excel Spreadsheet, please select the Excel icon.

The spreadsheet will then be downloaded to your set download folder. Opening the training matrix will give you different prompts depending on the version of excel you have. 

NOTE: Some cells may have different formatting depending on your Excel version. For example, you may have a column too small to read text. If you double click on the line separating the column to the right, this will expand the column to as much as needed.

The file will show your company details and the date it was exported at the top left. The company logo will be displayed further to the right. 

Each contacts name will be a hyperlink. This can be selected to load a browser view of that one contacts training matrix, listing all training linked to them. 

If a certificate or evidence was uploaded when adding the certification to the contact, their cell for the certification will also have a hyperlink. This will load a browser view of the certificate or evidence which was uploaded.

Export to URL

At the top right of the Training Matrix is an option to export. To export in any format, you will first need to select this button.


Selecting the button will load a pop-up window displaying three options. To a URL which you can then share with anyone, select the "Create a link" icon. 

The URL or link will then appear in the pop-up window. You can copy this URL and share it with anyone. This will give them a browser-based version of the training matrix. 

Each contact's name will be a hyperlink. This can be selected to load a browser view of that one contacts training matrix, listing all training linked to them. 

If a certificate or evidence was uploaded when adding the certification to the contact, their cell for the certification will also have a hyperlink. This will load a browser view of the certificate or evidence which was uploaded.

There is no limit on the number of times you export the matrix. Feel free to export it as often as you like and even in multiple formats, if needed.