The Company Admin can accept changes made by RAMs App and they can also make manual changes themselves. This will update the companies database and the changes will be immediately available to the Company Users.
The changes made will not, by default, update the existing RAMs documents. Company Users will be asked if they would like to update the content when reviewing a change.
Accepting Updates
After the Company Admin has made changes to the database, visiting the "Review" page for any older RAMs will trigger a pop-up window.
The pop-up warns the Company User that the comtent within the RAMs is now out of date, due to a change. To accept the updates and allow the system to update the RAMs, the Company User would select "Update Content".
A second pop-up will appear to confirm the Company User understands what is about to happen. Accepting changes to the content will override any custom content the Company User may have created for this RAMs document. To confirm the update, the Company User would select "Update".
NOTE: Depending on the number of updates required, this process could take a few minutes. Please do not close the browser or move to another webpage.
Once the updates have been applied, a small success notification will appear. The Company User can now continue to the review page for the RAMs document. A line entry will be made in the Document History to show which Company User accepted the updates and when.
Rejecting Updates
Any updates made by the Company Admin will not automatically apply to existing RAMs documents. If the Company User does not want the RAMs document to be updated, they can choose to reject the updates.
When reviewing an existing RAMs document, the Company User can choose to "Keep old content" from the pop-up.
A second, confirmation pop-up, will appear. The pop-up makes the Company User aware that keeping old content could mean the RAMs document contains potentially incorrect information. To reject the changes, the Company User would select "Confirm".
A final pop-up window will appear, asking the Company User to enter a reason for keeping the old content. This reason will be sent to the Company Admin. To reject the changes, the Company User must enter a reason and then select "Confirm"
A success notificaiton will then appear. The Company User will then continue on to the review page for the RAMs document. This notification will continue to appear, each time a Company User visits the review page for the existing RAMs document.