The RAMs App Library may contain an activity which is relevant for a particular task. To copy the content, first access the RAMs App library module. This is done by selecting the "Library" option from the left-hand menu. 

The library contains different types of content, use the fitlers towards the top of the page to filter the type of content needed. 

Each item has its own "Card". Each card has an actions button at the top right corner. To copy the content to the companies database, select the action button and then select "Copy". 

A pop-up window will then appear, asking for confirmation that this content should be copied. To copy the content, select the "Copy" button. Alternatively, select "Cancel" to stop the process. 

An activity must be linked to a work category. Once the copy has been confirmed an additional pop-up window will appear. The drop-down menu within this window will allow the admin to choose an existing work category or create a new one. Once the work category has been selected, to complete the copy, select the "Link to work category" button. 

A confirmation message will let the Admin know the copy was successful. The content will now be part of the database and can be viewed by visiting the Work Category area within the Risk Assessment & Method Statement module.