Automatic Reference numbers can be enabled for most of the document types available within RAMs App. This feature gives more control over the format and numbers used in the reference for a document, which can also help avoid duplicate reference numbers. 

The feature can be enabled from within the "My Profile" area. This is accessed by selecting the Company Name at the top right of the webpage. 

Then, to access the Automatic Reference Number settings, select the "Automatic Numbering" tab. 

Each of the modules which can use the feature will be displayed in a list. By default, this feature is disabled for all modules. To enable it, select the slider at the top of the settings for the selected module. 

Once enabled, the Company Admin can enter the settings for the refrence number. Automatic reference numbers can use one of the following:

  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Numbers only

If prefix or suffix is selected, the Company Admin will also need to choose which separator should be used. After setting up the type and separator, the Company Admin can then enter the starting number and minimum number of digits. This will then create a preview of the reference number which the system will generate. 

NOTE: The starting number cannot be modified once a document has been created within the module, using this feautre.

If the preview looks good and the settings are complete, to fully activate the feature, select the "Save" button at the bottom right. 

All documents created within the relevant module, by the company users, will now have automatic reference numbers. They will not be able to edit the reference number field whilst the feature is enabled. The company admin can disable the feature by revisiting the settings and changing the "Auto Reference" slider to "Disabled". 

NOTE: Disabling the feature could result in Company Users duplicating reference numbers.