Once a document has been made Live, all company users can see the RAMs document. If the company users have the correct permissions, they can also edit the document. 

There may be a time where the Company Admin does not want every user to have access to a Live document. This could be due to mistakes in the document or maybe the document just wasn't quite ready to be available yet. 

Where this is the case, the document can have its Live status revoked. This will result in the document being locked to the user who created or last modified the document. 

To revoke the Live Status of a document, first the Company Admin will need to locate the document from the Document table on their dashboard. 

NOTE: The search bar and the "filters" options can be used together to help locate the correct document.  

Once the document has been located, select the Actions button on the right. This will load a small menu. If the document has a "Review Status" of "Live", there will be an option to "Revoke Live Status". To lock the document and stop most of the company users from accessing it, select "Revoke Live Status". 

A window will load, which asks the Company Admin to enter a reason. After a reason has been entered, select the "Confirm" button.

Finally, the system warns the Company Admin that this document will become locked to one Company User. No one else will be able to access the document until this Company User makes it live, or it is assigned to another Company User. To complete the process, select "Confirm". 

Now that the document is locked, the Company Admin can choose to also assign this document to another user. The "Signatures & History" page will also display which Company User the document is currently locked to.