Content within RAMs App can be made visible and not visible by the company admin. This is known as a Visibility Status.
Whilst content is "Visible", the Company Users will have access to it. Whilst content is "Not visible", the content will become hidden, meaning company users cannot access it.
To change the visibility status of content, first access the relevant module and then find the content.
Each piece of content shows the visibility status from the table view. This can be changed by selecting the slider, which will then move to the opposite status.
NOTE: Changing the visibility of content, will impact all content linked below the item. For example, if you make a Hazard Group "Not visible", all Hazards and their related Risk Assessments will also become "Not visible" for the company users.
If the content is in use, the visibility status cannot be amended. The system will instead load a pop up window to show which documents are using the content and who they are currently assigned to.
If the content needs to have its visibility status changed, the Company Admin should work with the Company Users to remove the content from the documents. The list of documents which contain the content can be exported as a CSV file by using the "Export List" button at the top of the pop up window.