Once a review team has been created, this can be assigned to a Company User so that any RAMs documents they create will be reviewed by a set team of reviewers.
This can be done whilst creating a Review Team or after the fact. To assign a Review Team to a Company User, first log in as the Company Admin. Once logged in as a Company Admin, select the "Review Team" module on the left hand side.
A list of Review Teams previously created will then load. Each team has an actions button on the right hand side. From within this action button, you have the option to "View & assign users".
A pop up window appears which has a drop down menu containing all of the Company Users. Select the Company User the review team should be assigned to, then select the "Assign to user" button.
Note: Company Users can only be assigned one review team. If the company user needs to be part of another team, remove them from their current review team first.
The assigned Company Users will then appear in the "Assigned users" list at the bottom of the window. The action button will give the option to "remove" the Company User from this review team.
This window saves in real time as each user is assigned, therefore the window can be closed once complete.