A review team is a set of individuals who will review RAMs App documents created by certain users. Setting up a review team can save time, as the reviewers do not needed to be added each time the document is sent for approval. The teams are instead assigned to the user, so that each time that user sends a document the system knows who should be reviewing that document. 

To create a review team, first, log in as the Company Admin. Once logged in, go to "Review Team" module on the left hand side.

Once the "Review Team" area appears, a list of previously created review teams will display (if any have been created). To create a new Review Team, select the "Create Review Team" button at the top right. 

This loads a small popup which asks for a "Team Name" to be entered. Once a team name has been entered for the Review Team, select the "Create team" button at the bottom right. 

The pop up will then expand in size and displays the team name at the top. This can be updated if the name requires a change. Once the name has been decided on, the next step would be to add users to the review team. By default, the system will be looking for users which have been set up with a RAMs App account. From the drop down menu, select the RAMs App user(s) which should be part of the team. Then, to add the reviewer to the team, select the "Add user" button. 

If there are reviewers who do not have a RAMs App account, set the "Does the recipient have a company RAMs App account?" slider to "No". The reviewers details can then be manually entered. 

After manually entering the reviewers details, to add them to the team, select the "Add User" button. After adding reviewers, they will be displayed at the bottom of the window. 

NOTE: The review team is displayed at the bottom of the window, you may need to scroll down to see the full team. 

Note: Documents are sent out in a sequencial order from the first reviewer to the last. You can rearrange the order of the review team by clicking and dragging the users name around the list. 

Each reviewer has an action button located on the right hand side. This action button can be used to remove the reviewer from the team. If the reviewer does not have Company RAMs App account, it will also contain an "Edit" option which can be used to change the reviewers details.

Once the review team has all of the necessary reviewers, the review team can be assigned to company RAMs App user(s) using the link at the bottom of the window, or the window can be closed. 

Click here to view the help file on assigning the review team to a user