The RAMs App account password can be updated from the “My profile” area. If you have forgotten your password and cannot login, please use the “Forgot your password?” feature on the login screen. 


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To update the password whilst logged in to the RAMs App account, select the username at the top right of the webpage. This will load a menu. Select the “My profile” option. 


Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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The personal details for the user will now show. Scroll down the page and there will be a for the password. This area needs the current password to be entered first to make sure the right person is changing the account details. The new password should then be entered twice, with the second entry being for confirmation. 


NOTE: If logged in as a Company Admin, the password reset section will appear further down within the “My profile” area. 


Graphical user interface, application

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The system will show the “strength” of the password. It is recommended a strong password is used. This usually consists of a capital letter, a special character and numbers. Once the new password has been entered twice, to update the password, select the “Change Password” button. 


Graphical user interface, text

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