Understanding Step 1, Assessment details

Creating a Risk Assessment in RAMs App is a 4-step process which involves inputting the following information:


  1. Details
  2. Hazard ID & Risk Assessment
  3. Sequence of Works
  4. Method Statement


This guide will give more information on the detail that needs to be included in Step 1. The details are split into three sections. “Document details”, “Works Location” and “Works Supervisor”. The “Works Supervisor section does not contain mandatory fields and can be ignored if it does not apply to the task.


Document details


Document details are an overview of the Risk Assessment & Method Statement. This may be for a specific contract or project.


             Graphical user interface, application

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The details that you need to provide are:


  1. Document Name: This is something which will align with the contract or project that you are creating the Risk Assessment & Method statement for. We recommend using a Site, building or street name for this, or a specific customer.
  2. Reference: This could be a contract number or an internal reference. A good reference to keep track of would be something like the RAMs-001
  3. Start Date: This is the start date of the project/contract or the date that the assessment starts.
  4. End/Review date: This is either the estimated completion date for the project/contract or the set date where the assessment will be periodically reviewed (Usually annual review unless something goes wrong linked to the risk assessment in the meantime).
  5. Client: This is Construction (Design & Management) Regulations terminology and is the name of the person/company that the work is being done for. Leave this blank and it will not appear anywhere on the PDF.
  6. Principal Designer: This is Construction (Design & Management) Regulations terminology and is the name of the person/company appointed by the Client to take control of the pre-construction phase of a project involving more than one contractor. Leave this blank and it will not appear anywhere on the PDF.
  7. Principal Contractor: This is Construction (Design & Management) Regulations terminology and is the name of the company that oversees the site. Leave this blank and it will not appear anywhere on the PDF.



Works location


Enter details of where the work will be done. This could be a site or building address.


               Graphical user interface, application

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The details that you need to provide are:


  1. Address line 1: The main address/street name or building name if the work is being done in a specific building, floor or location on a site.
  2. Address line 2: Continue with the address if required. Leave this blank and it will not appear anywhere on the PDF.
  3. Address line 3 Continue with the address if required. Leave this blank and it will not appear anywhere on the PDF.
  4. Town/City:  The Town or City where the building or site is located
  5. County: The county that the Town or City is located. Leave this blank and it will not appear anywhere on the PDF.
  6. Postcode: The postcode for the site. Leave this blank and it will not appear anywhere on the PDF.




Works Supervisor


               A picture containing diagram

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The details that you need to provide are:


  1. Supervisor Name: The name of the person who will be supervising within the project.
  2. Telephone Number: A contact telephone number for the Works Supervisor


NOTE: If this is not applicable, leave the text fields blank and they will not appear on the PDF.


Once all the information has been added, to continue to step two, select the “continue” button at the bottom right. 


            Box and whisker chart

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