To create a manual handling risk assessment, select the Manual Handling module on the left-hand side of the RAMs App dashboard.


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This will load the Manual Handling dashboard, which displays any assessments previously created. To create a new Manual Handling risk assessment, select the "New Assessment" button towards the top right of the page. 


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The assessment will first need a name and a reference entered. Then, enter the details of the activity including the load being manually handled, within the “Operations covered by the assessment” box. 


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Next enter the location of where the manual handling will take place. Then enter the number of persons and the names of those involved in the assessment and the activity. To add the name, enter the name into the text field and then select the “+” symbol. 


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The final option can be used to add images to the assessment. This is not mandatory. 


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Once the main details have been entered, select the “Start Assessment” button. 


The Manual Handling Risk Assessment is a 4-step process that requires yes or no answers for a series of questions that consider the TILE Acronym adopted by the Health and Safety Executive.


  • Task - The work being done
  • Individual - The people performing the manual handling activity
  • Load - The items being manually handled
  • Environment - The location where the manual handling activity will be performed


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If "Yes" is answered for any of the questions, additional questions will be asked to confirm the following:


  • More details of the issue
  • Details on the things that you have done to reduce the risk (control measures)
  • For some questions, there is also an option to add an image to show something that has been identified in the assessment such as dark areas, tripping hazards that cannot be removed etc.


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Once the questions have been answered, to continue to the next step, select the “continue” button


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Repeat this process for all remaining steps to complete the manual handling assessment.


Once complete, the assessment will appear in the Manual Handling Dashboard and it can be downloaded, updated, or deleted. 


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