To create a HAVs & Noise assessment, first go to the HAVs & Noise module located on the left-hand menu. 


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By default, this module will load on the “Tools and equipment” tab. To create a new assessment, select the “Assessments” tab. Then select the “Create new assessment” button towards the top right. 


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The assessment will first need a reference number and the name of the person who is performing the work with the tool or equipment. 


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NOTE: More than one person can be added here. Enter a name and then select the “+” symbol to add the person to the list. 


A tool or the equipment should then be selected. This drop-down menu will contain all the tools and equipment setup within the “Tools & Equipment” tab of the HAVs & Noise module. Hovering the mouse over an item will give more details. 


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NOTE: If the item has not been added to the company database, the details can be entered manually here. 


The tool or equipment details will then auto populate the relevant fields. 


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Complete any missing details and a description of the work being done. Try to provide as much detail about the work as possible. 


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Finally, enter the time the tool or equipment will be used. 


NOTE: The minutes field can have up to 59 entered. Anything past 59 minutes would be an hour and should be added to the hour field. 


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Now select the "Add Activity" button to calculate the vibration and noise exposure for this activity.




Understanding the vibration assessment


Equipment details


The maximum amount of time that the person/s can use this equipment for is shown here. 


NOTE: This is for the individual tool and equipment and does not take into consideration other vibrating tools/equipment used


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Personal Vibration Exposure

The number of exposure points and the daily vibration exposure calculation appears as follows:


  • Under the Exposure action value - This will be shown as a green block and no further action is required
  • Over the Exposure action value but under the Exposure limit value - This will be shown as a yellow block and additional control measures will be required to manage the risk such as task rotation etc. 
  • Over the Exposure limit value - This will be shown as a red block and the assessment cannot be saved or completed as you cannot legally expose personnel over this limit.


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NOTE: If additional activities are added to the assessment, the total vibration exposure will be calculated




Personal Noise Exposure


The number of exposure points and the daily vibration exposure calculation appears as follows:


  • Under the Exposure action value - This will be shown as a green block and no further action is required
  • Over the Exposure action value but under the Exposure limit value - This will be shown as a yellow block and statement that hearing protection must be made available for this level of noise
  • Over the Exposure limit value - This will be shown as a red block and statement that hearing protection must be used when exposed to this level of noise.



NOTE: All noise emission calculations are taken based on no hearing protection being used. Additional control measure such as noise attenuation screens, enclosures or hearing protection will reduce the level of noise exposure to the individual


Once the assessment is complete, select the "Save" Button


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The assessment will then appear in the “Assessments” tab of the HAVs & Noise module. 


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