We recommend that you check the manufacturer's website and download the latest version of the Safety Data Sheet direct from the manufacturer before beginning the COSHH Assessment process.


More details on Safety Data Sheets can be found here: http://www.hse.gov.uk/coshh/basics/datasheets.htm


To create an individual COSHH Assessment that is not connected with a Risk Assessment and Method Statement, head to the COSHH Assessment dashboard by selecting the COSHH tab which is located on the Left-Hand Side of the main dashboard.


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There is a substance register which contains substances that already have the SDS information input. COSHH Assessment can be created from the existing substances by selecting the action button on the card, then choosing the “Review” action. 


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If the substance does not exist and a full COSHH assessment is needed, select the “Create New COSHH” button at the top right. 



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The page will then load Step 1 of the 4-step process to create a new COSHH. Step 1 requires the substance details. Most of the fields in step 1 are mandatory. 


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Once all the details have been entered, to move onto step 2, select the “continue” button. 


NOTE: The COSHH Assessments are not saved until all steps have been completed. All details will be lost if the user leaves the page before completing the COSHH Assessment. 

Step 2 requires information on Control measures, the PPE required and other measures such as First Aid and Emergency Response. After entering at least the mandatory information, to continue to step 3, select the “Continue” button at the bottom right of the page. 

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Step 3 requires the “Usage details” to be entered. This step is made up of mostly drop-down menus which can then load additional fields depending on the values selected. After completing this step, to move to the fourth and final step, select the continue button at the bottom right. 


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Step 4 is the review page, showing the activities which have been added to the COSHH assessment. If additional activities are needed, select the “+Activity” button at the top right. 

Any activities already added to the COSHH assessment can be updated using the action button on the right, then select the “Review” action. 

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After adding all the necessary activities, to save the COSHH assessment, select the “Save and exit” button at the bottom right. 

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The COSHH Assessment review page will then load. Additional COSHH assessments can be added here. There is also an extra section to add PDF documents to the assessment. 


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The COSHH assessment can be downloaded or emailed by selecting the action button at the top right of the review page. 

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