Additional activity steps can be added to any of the existing Activities when creating a document.
NOTE: The action to add an extra step will only appear when the activity has been selected, by setting the slider to “Yes”.
Each activity has an action button on the right-hand side of it’s header. To add an extra step, select the actions button and then select “Add activity step”.
A pop-up window will appear. Enter the step details into the text box provided. To add the activity step to the activity, select the “Add activity step” button at the top right.
The system will then ask if the activity step should be added for this document only, or for all new document created in the future. To continue, select one of the options.
The page will scroll down to the new Activity Step. This process can be repeated to create as many new steps as needed.
NOTE: The steps can be re-ordered by clicking and dragging them into a different position.