The risk assessments linked to hazards within RAMs App can be amended. If there are details which need to be changed or additions made, this can be done in step 2 when creating a RAMs document.
As the risk assessments are linked to hazards, first locate the hazard. There is a search bar above the hazard group list which can help with finding a specific hazard. Alternatively, the hazard can be found by manually browsing the hazard groups.
Each hazard has an “actions” button on the right-hand side. Selecting this will load an actions menu. To edit an existing risk assessment for a hazard, tick the box to the left of the hazards name and then select the actions button. From the menu which appears, select “Assess Risk”.
This will load the risk assessments currently linked to the hazard. To make changes to the existing risk assessments, tick the box on the left of the risk assessment and then select the “Edit” button to the right of the risk assessment.
NOTE: The tick box on the left of the Risk Assessment must be ticked for the “Edit” button to be available.
The details for the selected risk assessment with display. All of the details can be changed.
To save any changes made to the risk assessment, select the “continue” button at the bottom right.
The updates made to the risk assessment will now display from the risk assessments page. Select the risk assessment which should be used for this hazard, then select the “Save and exit” button at the bottom right to continue.
NOTE: Changes made to existing Risk Assessments will only apply to the current RAMs document. They are not saved for future RAMs. It is recommended you create a new Risk Assessment for the Hazard if you require a permanent change.