To add a Trade Group, head to the risk assessment and method statement tab on the Left-Hand Side of the Dashboard as you look at the screen:

A Dropdown Menu will appear. Please select "Method Statement Groups" to be taken to the next screen where new Method Statement Groups can be added to your company database:

A table which contains all Method Statement Groups within your company account is displayed. To Add a Method Statement Group, Select the "Add Method Statement" button:

Next, select the Hazard Group the method statement will be linked to. Then input a title and a description for hte method statement group. The method statements content can also be added at this point but it is not required. 

After entering all of the necessary information, make sure to set the visibility status to "Visible". To save the Method Statement Group, select the "Create" button. 

The new Method Statement Group will now appear in the Method Statemen Group table and will be visible to all Company Users when creating RAMs documents (Depending on the visibility status).