To add a work category, head to the risk assessment and method statement tab on the Left-Hand Side of the Dashboard as you look at the screen:

A Dropdown Menu will appear. Please select "Work Categories" to be taken to the next screen where new work categories can be added to your company database:

A table which contains all work categories within your company account is displayed. To add a work category, select the "Add Work Category" button:

Now take the following steps:

1. Type in the name of the work category into the Text Field.

2. Set the visibility status (this should be left as "Visible" if you would like Company Users to have access)

3. Select the Create button once you are finished

The work category will now be available from within the Work Categories table. The work category will need more information added to make it useful. Select the actions button for the work category and then select the "Edit" option. 

From this page, activities can be added to the work category. To create a new activity, select the "Create an Activity" button. 

Enter a breif description of the activity and make sure the visibility status is set to "Visible". Once complete, select "Create & continue".

The new activity will now appear within the work category. Each activity can be given steps. To do this, select the action button for the activity and then select "Edit".

From this area, the activity can be given as many activity sequences (steps) as needed. To add a new step, select the "Create an Activity Sequence".

Enter an activity sequence (step) description and then select "Save". 


The activity sequence will now appear within the activity. Repeat this process until all activity sequences (steps) for the activity have been added. 

NOTE: Activity sequences (and activites)can be reordered by clicking and dragging the lines. Make sure to select "Update Activity Sequence Order" to save the new order of the activity sequences (steps).

After all of the work categories activities and activity sequences (steps) have been added, the work category must also be assigned to the company users for them to have access to it. This is done from the actions menu for the new work category. Click here to access the help file on how to assign the new category to your users.