To add a Hazard, head to the risk assessment and method statement tab on the Left-Hand Side of the Dashboard as you look at the screen:
A Dropdown Menu will appear. Please select "Hazards" to be taken to the next screen where new hazard groups can be added to your company database:
A table which contains all hazards within your company account is displayed. To Add a New Hazard, Select the "Add Hazard" button:
Now take the following steps:
1. Select the Hazard Group that you would like to link the hazard to
2. Type in the name of the Hazard into the Text Field.
3. Set a visibility status (set this to visible if you would like Company Users to have access)
4. Once all the details have been entered/set, select "Save" to add the hazard to your library
The new Hazard will now appear in the Hazard table and visible to all Company Users when creating RAMs documents.
The new hazard will have no Risk Assessments linked to it yet. Each hazard will need a risk assessment or the users will not be able to continue past step 2 when creating a RAMs Document. Please click here to see the help file for creating a RIsk Asssessment.
Some hazards may require certain legislation to be shown in the RAMs document to be compliant. Please click here to see the help file for linking hazards to legisation. This will ensure that the legislation appears in the method statements group "Legislation" withn the RAMs App document.